Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Prayer

I just finished 75 minutes of Kundalini Yoga. And I feel very positive and energetic right now, like I can do anything. I think I might last a long time today. I hope the positivities last all day too.

Thank you for inspiring me to meditate. I know this is a bit different, because I'm not sitting still like you would be. This entire session was basically all meditation. I enjoyed doing this a lot more than the first time I did this. We did a lot of breathing exercises. I have a hard time with breathing. I always end up breathing in too fast, then end up holding my breath. I'm supposed to breathe in slowly and exhale slowly.

There weren't very many physical exercises involved in this. This is very simple stuff, but I can't say it's all easy. I'm concentrating on leading every move with my breaths, because that's supposed to be the priority. A lot of twists and turns, and and rapid breathing. Today, I went at my own pace. I didn't want to get light-headed like I did years ago. I got tingly a lot, and if I couldn't handle it, I'd sit and rest and start again.

The beginning was all breathing and meditation. We said some phrases aloud. This is how we "tune in" to our inner strength and inspired self. "Ong namo guru dev namo." It means "I call on my higher self to help me do my best."

Then we quietly meditate, and we do this between each exercise. We say a mantra quietly in our minds, "Sat nam." "Sat" when we breathe in, and "nam" when we exhale. It means "the truth within you". Even though we close our eyes during this, our eyes are supposed to look up towards the brow.

Maybe you've heard of all these words before and you know what they mean already!

I think we're supposed to do the entire session with our eyes closed. Like 99% of it. Of course I had to peek sometimes because there were some things I weren't sure how to do. This is like... a 75 minute meditation.

Oh, I loved the end of the session. We did a much longer meditation (it started feeling really long, but wasn't too bad, 'cuz I was really trying my best. If I did well, it shouldn't feel long, right?). After meditating more, we ended with some prayer. I loved how they suggested we pray for someone we know. I put all my power into praying for the person I love most. I prayed to give him strength to be strong and positive for the rest of the week. I hope he feels the warmth and love that I send to him.

I'm starting to like this kind of yoga now. It just seems like the world is coming together so well right now. I know I've been sad a lot lately, but I know that you going into monk hood is a great thing, and it is something that is supposed to help both of us in life. I think this will strengthen our relationship. It's like a test of some sort.

I believe in you. Stay strong, positive and confident. I know you will get through this. Forgive me if I ever make it hard for you. I want to help you so much. I'll try to be positive for you. We'll get through this just fine! It'll be over quick!

I can't wait for your return.

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